#109 days of daily digital mass; #109 days of #socialdistancing
The rise in #CoronaVirus new cases is at its peak in Los Angeles County. 11% increase over 14 days in ICU cases in California.
Worldwide, it is at 9, 343, 448 confirmed cases. 478, 818 deaths in 188 regions/countries.
Leading those dangerous numbers is the US with 2, 371, 422 confirmed cases and 121, 870 deaths.
Brazil has 1, 145, 906 cases, 52, 645 deaths
UK has 308, 336 cases, 43, 165 deaths
NY has 389, 666 cases and 31, 257 deaths
CA has 193, 288 cases and 5, 678 deaths
NJ has 169, 892 cases and 13, 706 deaths
Incoming travellers to NY, NJ and Connecticut will face a 14 day quarantine when they arrive in those states from travelling.
I hope Gov. Gavin Newsom follows suit with 14 day quarantine for those traveling into CA, coupled with electronic bracelet and an app that can do contact tracing so shelter in 0lace for 2 weeks is enforced.
All the more we should all stay home. A friend texted me that her neighbor visited with asymptomatic 75yo and the next day, that neighbor died and tested positive for #CoronaVirus. Now the visiting neighbor also got it, as her entire family.
Tried getting tests and the only open testing site is 70 miles away, in Palmdale. We need new ways of governance Gov. Gavin Newsom, we need more testing sites so folks can quarantine when they are positive. We are being left in the dark.
Brightness is #princess2015la‘s theme for the day. She drew lola’s house and a sunflower called brightness. We went for a walk and she wanted photos with flowers.

She then asked me to videotape her drawing as she has something to say. Her agency and empowerment are admirable. No one can silence her.