Amidst grim news of 1, 381, 014 new cases of CoronaVirus; 79, 091 deaths in 184 countries; US has 380, 749 new cases since January 22 to April 6, 2020 with 11,931 deaths. Worldwide fatality rate is 5.7% and US is 3.1%. 

To go through this uptick of new deaths daily, I go to live streamed mass daily. On Palm Sunday, I attended 4 masses. I needed God’s light to accompany me, going through this tunnel of darkness. 

Day 31, today’s homily by Fr. John Cordero of Holy Family Artesia touched on 2 themes: descending the dark path of betrayal with Judas Iscariot and the ascending theme of passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

This can be moments of glory, to choose lives over money. To choose to share in God’s glory. Perhaps, he said, develop the spirit of humility that we are not exceptional like Peter who wanted to be heroic as if he would be spared as a sinner, only to betray Jesus three times. Peter was a bit cocky. How about we go through life, caring for people and share in God’s glory?

Fr. John Cordero – Holy Family Artesia

First photo is our get together with family and friends. It just popped up in my gmail. Yesterday was one of my dear friend’s birthday, who has left us too soon. I was thinking of my dearly departed when this came up to bring smiles to friends whom I shared it with and myself, too. Yesterday, it was my mom’s photo with me and my daughter that surprised me. 

Other photos are my favorite daughter’s gifts to us: shisho leaf pesto with her homemade pasta and her homemade bread with my homemade kumquat preserves. 

The last three slogans came from my hubby, which corresponded with the pastor’s homily:
