7th Simbang Gabi

Fr. Ramon Reyes*

After pouring thunderstorms for several nights, the dark clouds cleared up and layers of tulle-like clouds appeared. With colors. White to light hot pink, not quite the intense hot pink sunsets of Costa Rica nor the golden horizons of Manila.

As the sunset gilded the buildings, the art deco-vintage-LA buildings transported me to the earlier days – LA’s glory days of sunlight, temperate temperatures, with some winds. Wishing for a rainbow in the skies, there wasn’t any in my commute, but Yucaipa had its blessings – a rainbow appeared.

Traffic decreased, perhaps all are inside the malls buying last minute gifts for Christmas. That was me 15 years ago until my heart was made fuller, attending Simbang Gabi. Rains were always a part of the 9 days, signaling perhaps the coming down of blessings from above.

Miracles appear and from collective prayers of world peace, we read more facts and more facts about the Holy Land and if war is man-made, men can stop it too, for Christians and other religions are watching for and anticipating the birth of Baby Jesus.

Our officiant today is Fr. Ramon Reyes, a towering figure with a loud, engaging voice, a newly ordained priest who ‘enlivens the church,’ as Fr. Rodel said. Fr. Ramon Reyes is the associate pastor at Incarnation, his homily excerpted below.

“Food sold outside for our tummy but also inside, the words of God that seek our hearts and minds.

Holy is his name…”My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.”

Mary said she recalls the needs of others, so she comes to visit Elizabeth to proclaim God’s mercy and God’s promise, though at present, our world has darkness, pain, suffering, even war.

What are the promises of God? First is Salvation. Second, Confession gives us God’s mercy and forgiveness.

Remember why we celebrate Christmas, what does Christmas mean to you…some say it no longer involves Jesus, just food and gifts.

Yet, Mary, a lowly servant, comes to do God’s will. Mary proclaims this in our hearts – go out to the people, that they might see the Lord in us, just as she did.

We wake up early, we join people standing, and in those moments, we become United with Mary, bringing intentions as we celebrate Christ’ birthday.

Do you celebrate because of food or do you come because Jesus is brought to the altar?

Remember we carry Jesus in us, he came to be human so we can become divine, to bring promises of mercy, love, and salvation.

Why are you thankful for this Christmas? Be thankful for what God has given us, as we are all citizens of heaven, though we speak Tagalog, Ilocano, other languages; bring your 55 padrinos to church.

Zachariah heard the canticle, he sees the light, and proclaims John. We bring forth our bread and wine, made into body and blood of the Lord that we take home in our hearts.”-Fr. Ramon Reyes, 2023


*Fr. Rodel thanked Fr. Ramon Reyes for his one year and a half service at Incarnation Catholic Church and encouraged the parishioners to enjoy his remaining half of a 3-year tenure, while he encouraged Fr. Ramon to learn more Tagalog. In another year and a half, he moves to another parish with his infectious energy. By then, he will be celebrating Simbang Gabi in trilingual English, Spanish and Tagalog.

Fr. Rodel described the policy of the Archdiocese: new priests are given a tenure of 3 years each in two churches, then as administrator, then a pastor position at the next church. You can see clearly the parish assignments are structured leadership development opportunities for the incoming priests.

The mass ended with more joyful discussions and folks lined up to support the vendors who drove from Fontana, Santa Clarita, Azusa. That’s at least an hour and a half drive each way to be in Glendale.

I talked to some and they enjoy what they do to meet fellow Filipinos and non-Filipinos and sell prepared foods with joy and enjoyment.

“If I come here thinking of how tired I am, how cold it is, I would not last long. But if I meet people and share my passion of cooking and preparing the embotido with love in my hands, as I roll them, I look forward to being here.” These vendors came with tarp to protect the cement floors, portable generators and the very reasonable rental fee help sustain Simbang Gabi, as well as promote these small businesses to the larger community – a win win for all, another entrepreneurial brain child of Fr. Rodel G.Balagtas, who practices diversity in his behaviors:”what is missing in these novena masses, after?”

When I got home, Fr. Ramon’s opening statement was actualized, food for the tummy and words of Mary into our hearts and minds. My husband enjoyed the empanada and taho as well as I shared what transpired that evening. I like that he waits to make sure I am back home, safe. He likened himself to a cat, mystical in his showing his affection to me, compared to our resident dog, Miles who barks when he’s outside and when he greets him and me, clearly expressive, as I am.

For Saturday, Dec. 23, newly installed Bishop Albert Bahhut joins us. All parishioners are invited for an evening of food and music, after.

Fr. Rodel G.Balagtas makes every Simbang Gabi at any church that he is assigned to, into a vibrant tradition of 9 days, with carefully chosen homilists: the core three days of 4, 5, 6 ascending in skill, good to great with depths of spiritual wisdom, linguistic linkages, intimate knowledge of the Bible and theological as well as spirit-enhancing readings, and upbeat cultural relatability.

I have watched him do this – a cultural and faith practice for 9 days before Christmas, that I have followed for 15 years here in the US, and a generational practice introduced to me by my dad, Eleazar, while I was a teenager. Perhaps then it was the wafting smells of puto bungbong and bibingka or the warm hands of my dad holding my hand and now into an alive congregation thriving in what they do for the Lord and each other, embracing new attendees.

Earlier, at beginning of the mass, I overheard Dave, a decorated Caucasian veteran, shared:”I like this Simbang Gabi – it really prepares you to receive Christ,” then he moves his walker, he points his forefinger to me, and with joy:”I know you, your name is Prosy.”

Everyone is seen in this church, as Fr. Rodel takes the time to stop a few seconds to greet some parishioners before mass and even after.

Collective humane humanity indeed thrives in this Church, not as a slogan, but in authentic practice, and I believe it starts with the pastoral leadership of Fr. Rodel and Fr. Ramon, and faithful lay leaders like 90yo Asuncion who is a paragon of solem praying, with smiles and donning fashionable wear; Feliz Samson with a beautiful tenor, on pitch, engaging voice and an upbeat mid-calf length terno; and Thelma Sugay who reads the opening invitation to attend the mass with a multilayered bolero. These small rituals escaped me before, and now I noticed the detailed steps they take time to prepare. Thank you all for what you do plus these opportunities to grow small businesses.

We all are linked through God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and Mama Mary. I dare say the Holy Spirit thrives within!-Prosy Abarquez-Delacruz, 2023.
