Bishop Marc Trudeau shared the story of Paternoster Square in London, once the center of publishing before it was bombed in the Blitz of WW II. The buildings were burned, including where books were printed. “In war, the first casualty is truth.” Yet, after the fire, what survived was stone etchings: “The word of God remains in eternity.”

I pray for truth to emerge, that ABS-CBN’s franchise be renewed w/o political barriers, simply for the greater good, of the Filipinos and citizens abroad, watching, before the NTC arbitrarily shut them down, an agency who sat on their duties, allowing the franchise license to lapse, and argued that the fact of lapsing means no franchise, after they publicly declared a provisional extension till 2022, after both Congress n Senate resolutions supported renewals.

Vatican’s Holy Father prayed for the artists who create beauty that make us understand the beauty of the Gospel. 

Pope Francis spoke that we all belong as a people who knows the covenant of God. Without such awareness of belonging, we become partial Christians, ideological, elitists, affirming small parts of the doctrine, partial beliefs, and movements. Instead, know that you are Holy people of God, he said, coming from a history of forefathers, of getting to the land where you find fruits from trees you did not plant, in houses that you did not build, a history and a story of being God’s people.

Nove Deypalan: “Amidst stormy seas, there’s light above the horizon.” He has completed 9 paintings during this pandemic.