“This episode is an attempt to address the question of why so many Filipinos are so damn caring. Why they care so much — for each other — for strangers. Because my experience is far from unusual,” he wrote. “Hundreds of thousands — maybe millions — of children have been raised by Filipino nannies. Usually mothers of their own children who they were forced to leave behind in the Philippines.”

He also promised that this was not going to be the last.

“I hope the overseas Filipinos and our fans in the Philippines like this episode more than they liked the last one on our other show. I imagine this time around there will be tears. At least I hope so. We tried to do right by people who’ve been very, very good to us,” Bourdain said. “This is certainly not the definitive show on the Philippines — and it will not be our last show there.”

Today, there are copious tears being shed for Bourdain’s death.

Mr. Bourdain, Tony, that may have been the last show you shot in the Philippines but Filipinos across the globe are thankful and grateful, because you went back a couple of times and offered an inspiring look at a country and cuisine that are oftentimes both overlooked and highlighted not just the flavors of the dishes you ate but also the work ethic and family values of Filipinos like Vangie whom you’ve known for a long time now and those you have met in your travels around the world.”