First, Fr. Joachim of Holy Family Artesia’s homily spoke of “The Gospel that teaches us that people are to be saved, welcomed, cared for, protected and not to be abandoned. We are lost, yet God continues to find us. The grace of the moment is to look for Jesus, to love, and not to kill Him. Let’s place Jesus first in our lives.” Second: Holy Spirit, thank you for blessing this family’s four orange trees, a full four sides of manifestation of your bounty to them. 
God, I was just thinking of buying corned beef as I miss my childhood meals and zero corned beef in my cupboard. 

Then, a text from my beloved, loving, nurturing mom/god daughter of two geniuses, twins who raises them with parenting, rich in love of nature, outdoors, and trees; organic cooking, 50 books a day exposure; building their imagination and involving them in daily life’s cooking, baking, forming dough, juicing, came. Shortly after, her dad had delivered to us, two bags full of freshly picked oranges. These 3 yo twins wake up and tell their mom what they want – sinigang, tomatoes, and whatever they want to make with her and direct their play activities while mom structures the lessons by laying out the toys to build their fine motor skills. 
One of the twins woke up to say, “Mom, I want to draw an embryo.” Or another time, cars and animals.

I am grateful and appreciate all these spontaneous gifts from their hearts. I hurriedly cooked the Delimondo corned beef, garlic fried rice, and prepared freshly squuezed orange juice with half a banana. Hubby ate and said, “Hmm, it is good.”

God please continue to pour your bountiful blessings on this family, who are thriving with love, teamwork, music, organic cooking and love for nature. All the right values/themes during this #CoronaVirus!! 

My 28th day of social distancing

#Statistics from John Hopkins:

1,196,553 confirmed cases
64, 549 deaths
181 countries

CA: 12, 764 cases (288 deaths) 
NY: 113, 833 cases (3, 565 deaths) – 1 out 6 residents know someone is infected
Illinois: 10, 357 cases (244 deaths)
WA: 7, 110 cases (299 deaths)