The non-stop beauty of expansive acres of farms dotted with the serenity of feeding sheep, interrupted at times by cattle, and green verdant hills of evergreen pine trees. It makes you say, Thank you Lord for this beauty.

Driving from freezing ChristChurch to rainy Picton, with swaying tree branches

A picturesque drive, pastoral landscapes, grape vineyards losing their yellow leaves to brown, while 200 miles south, vineyards are still green and yellow, about to lose their leaves, while one sees verdant hills and on the lower grounds divided by creeks and rivers, sheep are grazing and feeding, with sunset in the horizon forming.

On the shoulder of the roads are green, bright yellow and red leaves on trees and hills covered by pine trees. 51 F feels like Christmas in May and some trees denuded from deforestation. Is the process of deforestation to wetlands preservation? Theme of #RewildingAeoteroea was seen in some street posters.

We stopped at Cod and Crayfish once on the way to ChristChurch and another on the way back to Picton. Green lipped mussels are so good and so sweet. Cod was quite fresh and gosh, crayfish tasted like lobsters minus the large claws.

Life is slow, peaceful and serene except for that one encounter at Caltex in Kaikoura.

Prior post: “Don’t stop at @Caltex in Kaikoura in South Island – nasty manager who discriminated six of us. My brother in law had to tell them he worked at Caltex for 20 years and he’s ashamed of the treatment we received: harsh tone, denigrating statement, “Did you understand” and stopped us like we were going to steal.

Considering we have been travelling from North to South Island for 15 days, the tail of the devil greeted us at Caltex in Kaikoura. I hope the head office will take action to give this branch hate prevention training.

She could have welcomed us and explained politely that the toilet is free for customers. To say it without presumptions would have been okay.”
