Can it get even more beautiful than this, to be greeted by the rainbow and light rain? Washing off the dust and grime just before walking? Gosh, if I can just transport all the lovely people in my life here, this would be my desired place to live in.

Folks here are happy. Go to mass and thousands are praying fervently, singing their best voices. What a great place!

We went to mass at Hibiscus Coast Parish, officiated by Fr. Ranjit Ekka.

His homily:

“Most Holy Trinity

Doctrine of Trinity there’s one God, three persons, one God in perfect unity. It has 3 sides, one triangle, indivisible. Father is not son, Son is not Holy Spirit, they exist with each other. They share the same divine essence, in perfect love and unity.

Each person is fully God. It doesn’t divide God into three parts. Divine essence is in each person, we are all to live in unity and with one another. We are empowered to live in unity and love each other, through the Holy Spirit that guides us.

Unity in substance and equality in majesty!”
