Happy Father’s Day to the love of my life, my fiercest critic, my supporter, my writing prompt, our healthy example/guru who exercises everyday, makes power green juices for the family since 2008, sixteen years now, enabling us to keep moving, as his brothers, CJ and Bert.

You have formed great relationships with me tandem biking, now you are passing on biking to our beautiful children, Corina and Carlo and to our grandchildren, #princess2015la and #maharlika2023la.

Thank you for leading us and driving us to faraway places for camping, walking the trails, and watching plays, concerts, and movies that I initiate buying tickets for.

We love you very much @enriquedlz and in some occasions, we roll our eyes, disbelieving your atrocious opinions, your way of baiting us into a ferocious discussion, earning the moniker of CNN vs. MSNBC. Still, we prefer you fully present in our family lives, as imperfect as it is, yet fully and truly blessed by #graceupongrace.

Happy Father’s Day to a man in motion!

We watched Mix-Mix after and then had dinner at our favorite sashimi place.