He likes cold water to drink.

“Agua,” he said. I was ready. He took a sip in my Stanley cup, now his. This cup was a gift from my hubby. It is now #maharlika2023la as he drinks from a straw.

Did he feel our loving care? I believe so, he slept for 3 hours.

When he woke up, he was hungry. I made egg/cheese quesadilla for him. He ate 2 slices, small at that, and pointed to the last of the banana bread and fresh cherries. He got them.

After, I doused him with water and changed his diaper. He is now busy playing.

He was teasing me. He played hide and seek even as I announced, “Change diaper, please,” he kept running away from me and kept smiling as he did. After 3 times, he stopped and cooperated.

When his sister #princess2015la came, I made gyoza for her. But, first, she gave me her painting that she did at camp.

I whispered:”You know why your paintings are good – because you are loving and kind. You don’t hurt anyone.” She smiled.

And then, she fed her brother some gyoza. I whispered that she is a great big sister to him. She smiled.

His brother was about to sleep but as she approached the door, he got down and greeted her enthusiastically, that he forgot he was sleepy.

When his dad came to pick them up, he loudly said, “Hi!” Same with his sister, he warmly welcomed her. When he left, he waved goodbye and gave me a flying kiss. I was so tired, but his smiles gave me such satisfaction.