#maharlika2023la came in his stroller with his dad. He got inside the house still on the stroller.

He wanted to eat. So, a banana was given to him. He ate half, so slowly then, wanted a bit more. I asked, which chair? He pointed to the dining room chair. He said,”Help me, please.” I was amazed. A complete sentence! He has manners.

I showed him #chobani yogurt, then asked” strawberry or blueberry. He said, “blueberry.” He ate half then pointed to his milk in his thermos cup.

We went outside for a stroller walk, after. Why? After his breakfast, he went to his stroller. He wanted his outdoor walk, where he saw the neighbor’s pumpkins. He joined in with the tweeting birds.

He went to the backyard and harvested pears. I showed him how to twist it. He gave one to his #superlolo. He’s now pounding on the gongs, making music. He gave the sticks to his grandpa and said, “Help me, please!”

Amazing growth in speaking more. #almosttwoyearsold#21monthsold

Drawback: some of my photo frames don’t have supports anymore – they have been pulled out, lol…

He keeps saying Mama, Mama, Papa and ##princess2015la – he is so bonded and tightly, with his biological family.