“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”Nov 5, 2019

Why are we holding this 45th US President to the lowest bar of unlawful, unethical and immoral leadership? Should we not hold him to a higher standard of moral leadership as the leader if this free nation, who has been held hostage by his corrupt actions while in office, protected and shielded by the equally corrupt leaders of the Republican Party?

Must we be corrupted too in mind and spirit much like these domestic terrorists? Why is he provided the shield of the White House that he has disgraced by his 25,000+ lies now, since day 1 in office, ordering his Press Secretary to lie about the inauguration crowds? Why are we paying for his Secret Service and meals still in the White House when he has violated his presidential oath of office? Why is he still free to call and interact with the free world, after his domestic terrorist acts?

Why? If we are a country that believes in the rule of law and peaceful elections? Why are we allowing him to keep trampling on the US Constitution that our ancestors fought for with their highest moral values with their lives?