My businessman friend in passing described himself as a leader, collecting stories. I was struck by the profoundness of his statement, a brand identity I reflected on that makes him listen to others and learn from them. He mentioned the word, mentoring others is what he loves to do. Can you describe who you are in two sentences?

Is that what gives you fire to wake up every morning? A heart in flames to serve others?

I told him that by saying he collects stories would mean he learns from others, absorbs their wisdom, and collectively grow with those he listens to.

What if in our part of the world we look to our neighbors to the left, to the right, in front of us and help out by bringing joy to them? Will we not cement the roadway with acts of goodwill and kindness?

Lord, deliver us all from all the evils of Putin’s war. I will drive less so as not to enable more super profits’ reserves to oil cartels. In my world, nothing is permanent, nothing is perfect, and nothing is personal. I fully support my 46th US President Joe Biden!

Only God is in charge of my being and my world, that I truly believe. Good Saturday to all of you! Prayers for Ukraine and its people to defeat the occupation of their country and prayers for Russian people to make their head of state accountable!

Screen grabbed photos from IG and Facebook!