“The river of water is the grace of God given to us through the Holy Spirit. Angels try to lead us to that grace by teaching us to surrender our will to that of God. They are also powerful messengers who call us to worship our God and serve our neighbor.”

I am most grateful I am here in Lourdes, a place I just dreamed of going last year. God listens, I tell you.

Thank you great God and thank you for your faith St. Bernadette, for witnessing the Immaculate Concepcion’s 18 apparitions, the last one, July 16, 1858.

The Immaculate Concepcion came to this special place, called Lourdes, a very small town in rural France that now has campsites and 400 hotels, a hospital for the disabled needing healing, thousands of pilgrims who visit daily and where tens of thousands now come every night to pray the rosary, a robust river and sustained springs, feeding the grotto.

“In the Southwest of the department of Hautes-Pyrenees, at an average altitude of 400 meters, nestling within a sea of greenery in the foothills of the Pyrenees, on the banks of the Gave which flows down Gavarnie, stands Lourdes, the meeting point of the Seven Valleys of the Lavedan.”-Lourdes Souvenir Book
