#princess2015la said: “Grandma, I am REKS.

R stands for respectful. E stands for empathetic. K stands for kind, while S stands for safe with my teachers. I am a scholar of my school, and today, I got outstanding marks.”

She added, “I respect those around me. I am kind. I make folks safe around me.”

I told her that I am that way to her, as well as others.

Beautifully taught to her by her school. I was quite happy hearing that plus the school guards whom I have met, C and M, are friendly and caring towards the kids.

The next day, we were talking about the birth of Jam’s sister. Wow, that’s wonderful, isn’t it? She paused. Not much to say. It got her to recall what she does in her upper bunk bed.

“Grandma, I stand like this, at the edge. It is to practice how to safely fall.”

What? I gasped. She looked at my horrified face.

“Grandma, really, you don’t know much about happiness.”

I laughed. I suppose jumping, conquering heights, and landing on your feet are learned skills, and being airborne is a joy to her.

I keep learning how to live joyfully with her.

She posed to get her photo taken and was grateful for the ensaymadas she got from @miko Zuniga.

Thank you @max.and.lucys