Since 2007, when I experienced a healing miracle after feeling like I would die in Baybay, Leyte, but for God’s hand plus the healing mind, heart, and spirit of VSU’s Dr. Elwin Jay Yu and the staff of VSU, headed by Dr. Joe Bacusmo at that time with Rosa Ophelia D. Velarde who visited me while at VSU infirmary, and my husband walking miles to purchase my prescriptions, I made a promise to God to attend Simbang Gabi masses for 9 days.

I have kept that promise by attending masses for a decade at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in East Hollywood, then headed by Fr. Rodel G. Balagtas, who warmly welcomed me as a lapsed Catholic. I also attended mass at St. Brendan’s, in 2021 at Incarnation Church in Glendale, for a total of 15 years.

I consider myself now a relevant and active Catholic who offers no judgment to others with different mindsets.

Last night at dinner, my precious 7yo #princess2015la said: “Don’t say that, Grandpa, that hurts Grandma’s feelings. Someone told me not to believe in the ‘magic of this,’ and that hurt my feelings because I really believed it.”

Wow, she has, even at this young age of 7yo, knows the value of deep respect, which includes beliefs in different perspectives and higher divine energies. She sees all my Santo Nino and Blessed Mother’s statues in my home.

This year, I will try to attend at St. Monica’s on Dec 17 at 7 pm and Dec. 23 at Incarnation at 7 pm, with live streaming masses for the 7 days, as I recover fully from Coronavirus, contracting it mid Nov. before Thanksgiving.

Another factor in my health and wellness journey is vegetable juicing, introduced by Enrique de la Cruz to my family since 2008. That’s 14 years of power juicing plus 10 years of acupuncture, cupping, and massaging by Antonio Whiteley.

Thank you, Lord, for journeying with me and with my village of family and community healers to keep me healthy.

To you all, I give my profound thanks and appreciation! Thank you very much for extending my life from the Visayas to Los Angeles!!