Do you believe in miracles? I do!

When my good friend, B shared her miraculous healing from cancer, as her father-in-law, I was keen on harvesting more miracle stories.

A priest/friend suggested when I pray to ask for miracles. He himself has witnessed, while being a Good Samaritan to his brother priests, three are now on their road to full recovery:

*one priest from almost dying from Coronavirus to now fully functioning – he took him to emergency and stayed with him;

*another priest had three heart attacks, got operated on and celebrated his first mass yesterday since he recovered. He shared the miracle of life he was given by two hospitals in Los Angeles and fervent prayers to God including his mystical experience of asking questions of the Lord, why am I in this situation, feeling alone? Only to get the response that he is not alone, “I am here, and in life, we struggle and suffer alone, as the Lord Jesus Christ.”

*another had a stroke and is on his road to recovery.

*Another is his sister who was diagnosed with cancer and after being prayed for by the parish community, is now cancer free.

The photo below was shared by Maryjane Southerling Saldana from whom I obtained her permission to tell her story. She went to pray at the Carmelite Convent of the Pink Sisters in Tagaytay. On her knees, she was fervently praying for her family member with cancer of the bone. She prayed for 55 minutes: for her family member to be pain-free as his cancer has spread to the different parts of his body. This was her first time to be able to kneel down, as she too had issues of pain with her knees.

To her surprise, she stood up and walked pain-free. It was not until she looked at the photo afterwards that she realized that Mama Mary had made an apparition. MJ is now walking, pain-free.