The third time is a charm, as the saying goes. Indeed, seeing Selma a third time is a charm!! My daughter knows how much I love Oprah, and so do friends of mine. My daughter called to ask me what I was doing today, Saturday, 1/24/15. “To see Selma a third time,” I said. “I got you and dad tickets to see Selma at Arclight because Oprah will do a Q and A with David Oyelowo.” What a coincidence, or was it serendipity? I was ecstatic. I asked a friend to use the ticket I had just bought ( within seconds of my daughter’s), and off we all went. Just when the credits were rolling, I went to sit in the front row.

Front center with Oprah, my idol, my most cherished mentor on television, just within feet of me. Thank you, dear Oprah Winfrey, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, it was so lovely to see you in person. I was the person who said, “Me, too,” in watching the Oprah Winfrey show daily, and you acknowledged me by saying, “She did too.” You are more lovely in person, as your radiant spirit matches your words and your gestures, a solid alignment of seeing authenticity in person. Your choice of words is so precise and uplifting, it was worth seeing Selma a third time.

Selma Movie has its own legs, and I predict it will move people all over the United States to rekindle the true American spirit of standing up for justice and human rights for all. May it rekindle folks to use their power to create lives of meaning and service to others, and in the same space of where they are in the world, make room for others to grow and to create their own lives of meaning too.

Thank you for this beautiful experience, and thanks to my wonderful daughter, who gave me the treasured gift of a lifetime. Next on my bucket list is to be at the Oscars to see Oprah win Selma as best picture, may it be so, Lord! Thank you, too, Ted Benito, for posting the announcement on Facebook. Copyright Prosy Delacruz, 2015.