I wanted to pay my respects to Bishop David O’Connell, a preacher of the neighborhood, a beloved pastor of the streets who was senselessly killed by a handyman with five gunshot wounds. No motive was given for the killing, but the killer confessed and admitted to his evil wrongdoing.

I was just listening to folks describe how accessible and caring he was, how he would pay rent for immigrants, out of his pocket. “He truly cared for all immigrants,” Laura Luna said. Laura wanted to pay respects without knowing the Bishop but heard how good he was to all people. She was upset with some folks speculating jealousy as a motive when they are without any evidence. “How dark minds work,” she said!

Laura shared that her brother was inside an elevator inside Caesar’s Palace, while at a business convention. He fell 10 floors while inside and got out with broken bones and was mistaken for dead. He survived and will soon see the finality of his case against Caesar. I wish them the best.

My other mother Maura Brito described him as the preacher of the neighborhood who baptized her nephew and blessed her sister’s house. He was available to anyone who needed him.

Los Angeles Times, March 3, 2023

A priest, Fr. Paulo Garcia was standing in line with his mom. I recognized him as he too immediately recognized me as a friend of Fr. Rodel G. Balagtas, his professor at St. John’s Seminary in homiletics and who convinced him to serve in a parish in the Philippines. He went to the Philippines. His homily during Simbang Gabi was exceptional.

I asked him how he does his homily, he responded: “Always pray first, and to the Holy Spirit.” I do too, I told him. Just like that, Fr. Paulo gave me the assignment to write about the Bishop.

He told me that Bishop David O’Connell ordained him as a priest. He also shared with me his photo taken with the Bishop.
Fr. Paulo again encouraged me to write about Bishop O’Connell.

Behind me was Santa Juana Talaveras, a well-coiffed woman who stood tall in her Mexican boots. She shared her story of meeting Pres. George W. Bush, First Lady Laura Bush with Cardinal Mahoney, invited by then Bishop O’Connell. She said she met him 30 years ago while he was then pastor at Ascension Church and has been in touch since. She spoke of her humanitarian program with the Consulate in Mexico where the Mexican government helps in sending dead family members home. She also works with the Consulate to accompany a dozen tourists to visit their family members in America for 21 days and accompanied them back home, all about following the rules of both the US and Mexico. She said that was influenced by Bishop O’Connell.

Exhibit at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels, March 3, 2023

We both cried seeing the casket and after, she told me that she believes that the spirit of Bishop David O’Connell connected us. No doubt about these connections is Holy Spirit-inspired.

I lighted candles for family and friends who are sick and thanked God for the blessings bestowed on us: a new healthy grandson, a healthy breastfeeding mom, a completed project, and future intentions of hubby walking another Camino and another house project.

I also spent time still inside the Blessed Sacrament chapel.

When I got home, I attended the 7 pm vigil mass. The homily was both in English and Spanish. I did not catch the name of the bishop. He spoke of the interior core of Bishop David’s being that rises to greet folks happy and says yes to all their requests. He said that somewhere in a special place within him is the confluence of his mind, heart, spirit, and soul together with Christ the Lord. He said that’s true for everyone.

He also believed in two principles of Vatican II: first is the primacy of being baptized as Christian and the second is the communion of the saints as those who were baptized.

Archbishop Jose Gomez exhorted us that in the sorrow of our grief about Bishop Dave, he also cracked jokes as he wanted us all to be happy and to be joyful. Remember that about Bishop Dave, he said.

May you rest in peace, Bishop and I am certain St. Peter is welcoming you! We may even see a Rainbow over the Cathedral of Angels after you are buried tomorrow.
