There’s never a dull moment with our Padre de familia Enrique de la Cruz we love you and appreciate what you do for us all, but most importantly being a supercool playmate of #princess2015la, a summiter of mountains with our children, the organic composting gardener and juicing man for the family and community, the bicycle builder from scratch and repairer, once our auto mechanic to 5 old Peugeots, whose car parts got traded for a functioning white Peugeot that saw 120 miles daily for a friend’s job to Palmdale and back.

He is the fisherman of yellowtail, snapper, bass, barracuda and we ate fresh sashimi decades before Japanese food got popularized.

He took us to Baja California and where we camped, 8 hours beyond San Diego into Mexico, in the late 70’s and 80’s to eat freshly harvested oysters, clams, lobsters and caught halibut, of course paired with cerveza, Corona brand.

I don’t think there’s anything he cannot repair nor bring back to life, he is the original recycler, reuser of vintage stuff, collector of vinyl records, and movement for civil rights organizer, educator, sustainer and donor.

Happy Father’s Day, 2021, Enrique! We survived the #CoronaVirus pandemic and even got to visit New York 2021. We treasure you in our family. Keep making us believe you are aging backwards because of your biking, walking, juicing and eating salads and kimchi daily.