Mindset is the key to happiness!

I looked forward to my appointment this morning. At Spencer’s office, he was fretting that the computer is not working. I told him my next appointment is not till noon so he can relax. As soon as he relaxed, technology worked for him.
I then had lunch with my daughter who treated me. I love it when my children buy my meals. Not only did she buy me lunch, she bought our salad dinner, too. What a blessing to feel the generosity of my daughter.
“Mom, I can buy you coffee, too, she offered.
I declined as she’s working and besides, Nespresso is waiting for me. “You have a Nespresso, Mom? That’s expensive.” It is and your dad got it for me. Not flaunting, just sharing the family love I am receiving.
Later, I rode an Uber to meet up with Thea, a lifestyle enterpreneur of good health, supplements that work to activate the healing qualities of your body, a zumba dance instructor, and a health and wellness professional for an HMO. She asked me to share the positive benefits I found taking Lifevantage and comparing it with the external Korean skin care products and the Yoli products. I shared my truth with her. About 15 minutes of sharing with Christian videotaping in support of Thea.
I had a beautiful conversation with my first Uber driver, Araceli, who works for a periodontist 3 days a week and 2 days as an Uber driver. We conversed about life and her family value of raising her two daughters to pursue what they love, not the dollars. They are happy and look forward to work each day.
On the way home, I had another great encounter with an Uber driver, Jose Luis Cedillo, a substitute teacher, a playwright and a theater director, Thea’s treat.
When I mentioned the name of Jon Lawrence Rivera he said he knows him as Playwrights Arena and mentioned Latino Theater Centre. We spoke about politics and forecasted a win for the Democrats. Imagine that! But we must all watch to make sure no cheating happens.
As I exited, he asked me to write a line to him, which I did: kind, creative, and friendly.
What a day of goodness as my daughter treated me for lunch and dinner; while Thea Fernandez Martinez and Christian Martinez treated me to Taiwanese dimsum and Dan Dan noodles.
Thank you Lord for all these moments of goodness, unplanned and unsolicited generosity, and kindness! Maraming Salamat po!