So nourished by the Holy Spirit, the Lord, Mama Mary, Fr. Rodel’s presence, selflessness and patience, we were blessed as a family, ate heartily and with gusto, enjoyed each other’s presence at @incaglendale and @La Bella Pinseria Romana after! It was my sister’s Rachel 40th day anniversary mass, officiated by @fr.rodel with another mass in San Bernardino some hundred miles away, prior. His homily was practiced for all of us to experience what he preached: patience, selflessness and presence to accompany a family healing from losing a beloved!

Fr. Rodel’s meaningful homily, excerpted here:

There are 23 healing miracles in the Gospel of St. Mark

It spoke of Jesus’ heart full of compassion – a love to those suffering, like the woman who was hemorrhaging for 12 years.

I was hospitalized a week ago, my heart went out to those folks crying, yelling, wailing.

Jesus knew their pain. He uses us to be healers, too: therapists, nurses, scientists, doctors, all are extensions of Jesus’ ministry, you are Jesus’s hands, mouths, we are all called to be Jesus.

Here are the three traits we need to be with those who are suffering:

Patience – be patient, those who are suffering are in pain. Respect their timetable for healing.

Self giving – you give yourself to the person suffering.

Presence – the suffering person craves for attention, to know that they are loved, be around to linger with that person.

Jesus wants all to be healed. My doctor said:” I will take care of you, to which Fr. Rodel responds: “I save souls, You save lives.”

What a blessed evening! Thank you Fr. Rodel G.Balagtas for actualizing all these traits, for practicing what you preach!