Best intentions matter

My daughter requested Saturday babysitting as they want to exercise and do errands. I said yes.

She suggested we go out for breakfast at our favorite hole in the wall diner, frequented by locals. There’s a charm to this diner, high quality breakfasts at workman’s prices. Portions are huge so one breakfast becomes lunch later. It works, as my grandchildren are fed well, as we are, too. I brought my additions to the pancakes: blueberries and valrhona chocolate chips and it was delicious.

It was challenging as our toddler did not want to sit still. We managed our quick bites and off we went home.

We picked up granddaughter’s paints, canvas and palette from her place. I set her up in the backyard.

After, she painted a stunning landscape, ‘Black Moon and its Reflections on the Water’, and signed her work.

She washed her palette, and the bowl she used. I helped her tidying up the rest.

I asked if she wanted her lunch and ice cream bar. After eating and conversing about school starting I shared a tactic about public speaking. I said to zero in a person’s generous eyes. “You mean like my brother’s?” I said yes and imagine all listening to you is your little brother.

She gave me a hug, thanking me for her day with me.

Her brother #maharlika2023la is still taking a nap. He was running prior and had a tandem ride of 6 miles with his grandpa. It is incredible to see them both grandpa and grandson tackle one hill coming back home, while we drove a few miles back to be on the safe side.

My granddaughter asked me to pray for them as she was worried seeing them on the tandem bike, both with helmets. I told her I am worried too but by praying, which I did, a Hail Mary, releases my worries to the heavens.

After, we thanked the heavenly powers for protecting my hubby and grandson and us, as well. I showed her how to just pray by talking to Mama Mary and the Holy Spirit. Grandma, she asked, what’s the meaning of Amen?


