Christmas Day 2023
Fr. Brian Castaneda
St. Brendan’s

It started with a question to Leo Nobleza , what time is mass, he responded and gave 1130 a.m. as the time he and his friends from Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Los Angeles are singing.
I was welcomed by Albert Lao who explained the ceiling of this 100yo church came from the hull of a boat. He went further and shared his photo. I was warmly ushered to my seat.
The choir was exceptional – they even had drums, trumpet, violin, guitar. They sang in harmony with two sopranos leading.
Still I recall the magnificence of 36-member choir of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church – Los Angeles led by an exceptional, motivating Pete Avendano whose influence via one text can congregate all the best musicians, far and near, including two flutist, a cellist, violinist and the best pianist, Allan Sims, during Fr. Rodel G.Balagtas ‘s tenure with Fr. Camilo Pacanza with an outstanding altar.
Here the large Nativity scene, not miniature at all, but life like is attracting many families to have their photos taken before and after the mass with engaging solicitous volunteers offering to take group photos.

I loved the homily and shared that with Fr. Brian Castaneda who asked if I was taking notes. I said, yes, and I videotaped the poem that you read, “When Animals Talk,” by Rusty Calhoun. Almost immediately, he handed me a copy of the poem that he read, plus his notes. Wow, what a trusting priest!
He shared the significance of the animals: sheep – purity; donkey – humility, service and dedication; cow – reminds us of Jesus’s sacrifice; camel – that we are on a journey; elephant – strength and intelligence; lion – strength and courage.
“Notice in this manger, lion and lamb are lying together, in harmony.
Angels sung Glory to God in the highest, our God-hero, Prince of Peace became one of us, much more than angels, Shepherds, wise men, even animals were transformed – lion and lamb lay together.
Lion and lamb will lay together, elephant and lamb with crippled leg by the Manger, all were welcome.
When animals talk, by Rusty Calhoun
The story is told about the night
The baby was born in stable
The animals gathered around the child
Admiring Him in the cradle.
Because they worshipped that little baby,
And sang their praises yo Him
God has granted them one night a year
They can talk with the seraphim.
Late at night, on Christmas Eve
In every stable and barn,
The critters gather in Jesus’ name
Warm and safe from harm.
At the stroke of midnight, a miracle!
Lowinh and braying takes form
As words of love and praise come forth
And the creatures voices transform
Into lovely, sweet, and comforting sounds
As they utter worshipful words
No one’s left out, there are sheep and elk
Coyotes,cougars and birds.
The Angels sing and play their latest.
The drummer boy thumps his drum.
The horses nicker an “Agnus Dei”
And all the animals come
To lend their voices in adoration
At the birth of the blessed child
And teach us gentle lessons
In tones both sweet and mild.
“O Holy Night,” the mother ewe beats
As she snuggles her little lamb,
While benediction is offered up
By a majestic curly horned ram.
Voices ring out from the top of the lofts.
Across the meadows and plains,
A chorus of joyful, heavenly notes.
The Christ Child’s Glory proclaimed.
As if on cue, a dog runs to the altar before Eucharist.
No matter who we are, we are called to come to adore him. Created in his image and likeness, hearts made new, come let us adore him.
The choir sang “Come Let Us Adore Him.”
Fr. Brian continued:”knowing all of us have a voice, a place in the Manger, let’s tell Baby Jesus our anxieties, hopes and dreams and the foot of the manger.”- Fr. Brian Castaneda, 2023.
The church was packed at 1130am, yesterday at 4pm, it was equally packed and I was told it spilled outdoors. The energy of going back to Church is high!!
One violinist, Andy Tecson shared he played six times during 4th Sunday Advent Mass and three times this Christmas day, the last at 1130am. Imagine the sacrifices of these choir members!
After mass, Fr. Brian lingered to connect with more parishioners.
Somehow, these musicians are extraordinary as they even have energy to come together for a fellowship, a 3 hour lunch with topics on: practicing as choir members to become one, diligence to sustain the voice singing in different churches, fragility of life, institutional philanthropy, university endowment, pathology of care, caregiving, transformation and positive musical leadership of Pete Avendano who made them all grow and excel! – Prosy Delacruz, Dec.25, 2023