With my brother-in-law’s permission, I am able to post this story on social media.
Maria Kaufman approached me, after a hi and introducing myself as Rachel’s sister, now I am the eldest, the Ate in the family of 7, now just 3 sisters left.

My sister cared for the mom of Dr. Rachel Kaufman, Maria, who was 4 months pregnant when she was hospitalized at Presbyterian. She stayed for 5 months in this hospital, attended to by my sweet, patient, kind, smart sister Kay.
My Sister Kay kept telling the other nurses, “Miracles can happen,” while others said “Maria will not have a baby.”
Miracle did happen. Maria gave birth to a baby, her baby grew up, and graduated as a physician, named after my sister Kay, whom they stayed in communication with, via FaceTime for 32 years.
Dr. Rachel is now an attending physician at a regional hospital in Corona, CA. Sister Kay I believe is an angel, caring, guiding us with her wisdom. She had a beautiful burial yesterday, inurnnment of her ashes in a box, while butterflies were released.

One butterfly adhered for a very long time, minutes in Kay’s husband, Sonny’s hand. It was so endearing to see how this butterfly conveyed my sister Kay’s gratitude. It turns out she also taps the table to affirm her wishes.
She did that to me after I sent the photos to her daughter and spouse only, of the memorial and burial.
Kay, permit me this post, as I want to give a shout-out to your beautiful, fiercely loving, God-faithful, patient heart. I will never forget the lectures you gave me about the miracles God has manifested in your life, being a fighter against cancer for 21 years.
Thank you for showing us your grace, service with integrity and elegance, high sense of self-worth, and design aesthetics. I love you so much, Kay. We all did!
Please forgive me for this one and only post. I want to say: let it be, be in God’s embrace now, welcomed by Dad, Mom, and Ate Rose. Till we meet again, though not too soon as yet.