The latest nugget of grace

Jv Samson took me years ago to this chapel in Santa Barbara. Each time, I carry a burden in my heart and after mass, my heart feels lighter as I have had divine manifestations here. One time it was the Pieta image in the exposed Holy Eucharist.

This Thursday, July 18, 2024, we left LA at 5am, and after a few miles, dawn was giving way to sunrise. It made for a glorious image. We went for coffee after mass and dropped off our prayer intentions at 930 am. That’s Thursday morning.

By the time I got home, it was 4pm, July 18, Thursday.

Yet, the letter from Poor Clares Sisters was dated July 15, 2024 acknowledging they are lifting up my prayers for Rachel (RIP) and for Enrique de la Cruz , my hubby’s sustained good health in his next Camino.

The outer envelope was postmarked July 17, 2024, three pm in Santa Barbara. How can that be? Can you recognize the miracle?

It was as if my letter was mailed from heaven, and one day earlier than I wrote my prayer intentions. I couldn’t believe it.

We usually have breakfast with Rina Bentajado then head back to LA. This time, my friend and I went to Roblar Winery, where Rina has a membership. I loved all their wildflowers tastefully curated.

Rina added to the joy of the day by giving us too many gifts. The most important for me was Moonflower or Queen of the night, that has three blooming plants.

We had such a great time exchanging healing stories including books on shifting mindsets, expecting God’s daily nuggets of grace.

What a beautiful experience with two God-centered friends of mine. Please grant them long lives, Lord, and disease-free to enjoy the blessings bestowed on them.