Adorable #maharlika2023la! While having breakfast, a bite of croissant into his mouth, chewed, then put his hands together, signed “more”, so I gave him more. He ate omelette, one whole orange, divided into bite sizes. He also finished his one milk bottle for the day. He needs more solids. He grabbed one of the sticks and hit the gongs. Then, he wanted to be cuddled, so we did. After, he took his shoe and said, “bye.” His mom has been teaching him sign language and it empowers him. He shakes his head to signal “enough.” He comes to me and says, “hi there.” He is now walking with Lolo using his left hand holding onto him. He played with the balance ball and pounded on it. We went for a 20 minute stroller walk. He didn’t quite sleep. So, we cuddled and he grabbed my vitamin container making noise as he shook it. He decided to pound it on my head. I said, “Oh, that hurts.” He immediately gave me kisses. Then, he smiled at me. At a young age, ge shows accountability. I just said no to him opening kitchen cabinets and he listened. So wonderful to give him focused attention, he responds with graciousness. #sweetgrandson #greatdaywithmaharlikala2023