I went to pick up #princess2015la and she handed a bag of #iylagranola to M, the 100% Filipina caring, sweet school guard. #princess2015la told me yesterday to make granola for her. Her features hinted of Mexican, Latina, and even African American.

M cried upon receiving the granola. It turns out her grandmom passed away this day, last year, on the anniversary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She said: “Can I give you a hug?” She hugged #princess2015la and then me.
“You remind me of my grandmother. She would be as sweet and caring as you, if she were alive.”
I gave her another hug. I complimented #princess2015la as sweet and caring too and M said that she takes that from me and senses the close bond between my granddaughter and myself.
In the car, my granddaughter shares the water play activities they had. You can see that she enjoys her after-school program a lot. Yesterday she took ten minutes more to finish her artwork.
She then shared how first grade was tough for her and she was lagging behind. Then her parents got her a tutor.
“You know what Grandma, second grade is exactly what my tutor tells me. I can even do third grade math now. Maybe fourth, fifth grade math?” She paused, “Just kidding,” Grandma.
“Grandma, remember you said you like to spoil me? That you love me? Because you said that, do you think you can wash my wet clothes from our water play? You kinda have to, Grandma because you said you like to spoil me.” I had to do it, indeed!
She washes her hands, eats her early dinner, cleans up after herself, asks for her mango juice and now, laughing so heartily watching a kids’ show on her laptop.
We also read together her grandpa’s texts from Pamplona. She understood that he is doing a long long walk.
Lesson for the day: Love as much as you said. She remembers, as she is listening.