Racists hide their venomous hatred by calling us all sorts of names. I was called by a musician who self-identifies as a Christian as a corrupt believer of God.

I believe in gay marriage. He swoons over his love for his wife in front of an audience of hundreds, yet he feels he is entitled to constrict the love between two men or two women. Why is his love superior than the true love I see amongst my gay relatives and friends, when I find them in fact more loving and more supportive to each other than even some of my long standing straight – married friends, including moi. We can learn love from gay folks, us straight folks!

I am not demeaned by his statements, but he certainly demeaned himself and his God-identified persona by judging me for the bible he quotes ” Judge not for thou shalt be judged” and his venomous statements do not reflect the love God has for all of us.

I share facts as I come across them, never about calling and judging folks as “corrupt”. I said Romney has lied, because he has been caught by many journalists as spinning tales that never occurred and I personally watched him lie and his facial demeanor changed as he lied. Souls do not condone lies, they reveal truth that extends to one’s body language. So if you say you are about Love for God, love even those who disagree with you for God loves us all!