Yesterday, cabin fever hit me hard. But, by 6pm, when I heard Fr. John Cordero of Holy Family Artesia thanked the parishioners and those outside of the parish about their church collections, his hopeful and joyful comments meant a lot. The church is vibrant through daily livestreaming and folks gave electronically to sustain their expenses.

My reflections: Imagine that – last Sunday’s mass had over 1,200 devices plugged in while daily mass averages 390, and if 2 to 3 per device, it means about a thousand attend daily masses. First Sunday live streamed mass was viewed by over 11,000!! Hallelujah!!! 

Today’s homily by Fr. Joachim -“What are the illusions offered to us to betray Christ – after we have hurt our brothers and sisters – is there joy in betraying Christ?” 

Today, day 32 of social distancing, I read Greg Castilla’s post about his grandson’s sixth birthday, Xavier who always had family gathered around to celebrate. How will they now do it? Read his post, as it brought me joy to read that his daughter emailed the neighbors. At first, they thought if 5 joined in, they would be happy. They had 23 families who made posters, stood by their windows, as Xavier’s parents drove by. Writing this is giving me goosebumps and tears in my eyes.

I also had tears listening to 40 children’s voices collated by Pete Avendano as they sang individually in their homes and electronically put together as One CHOIR. 

But, I am most grateful for my beautiful favorite daughter who gave us homemade pandesal as I got to see my beautiful 5yo #princess2015la in her scooter, both were wearing masks. 

I prepared brunch and was grateful for Hubby making us fresh sourdough bread, which I paired with home grown avocados.

Thank you dear God for my family, my friends, my neighbors and a newfound church, Holy Family of Artesia. 

Thank you Holy Family Catholic Church, ArtesiaGreg Castilla and Pete Avendano!