My 20th day of being home bound. Thank you God for another day that I can breathe. I just attended Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi Blessing in St. Peter’s Square with a 1522 Cross, livestreamed and watched live on 113,000 devices. This 15th century cross was spared inside a burnt church, and even had a lighted candle when found. This cross was taken out in the streets of Rome at the height of plague. Plague disappeared after several days of exposition to residents and taken to Via de Corso.

I thought I would not be affected as it is via Facebook but I had goosebumps three times. Pope Francis is spiritually profound, guided by the Holy Spirit in how he gave us words of comfort, and how we have allowed ourselves to be dull and feeble, involved in projects that anesthetize us. 

Our belonging as brothers and sisters was emphasized and that the force of the Spirit poured out to save lives. We must find the courage to create, powered by the Holy Spirit. (this got to me as I feel unable to write a piece for publication, like a dry rock). We need the Lord just like the ancient navigators relying on the stars to find their way. (Remember Magellan, Vasco de Gama). Why are you afraid? Have you yet no faith?, Pope Francis continued.

I again watched the livestreamed mass Holy Family Catholic Church, Artesia which unusually had gaps in livestreaming, about ten times. Yesterday, it was the volume of the priest’s microphone that was having issues. I wondered who and what is causing these interruptions? Yet, Fr. John Cordero persisted with patience and told us this is a chance to reexamine our lives – there’s a meaning if we are patient enough to wait, all 230 devices plugged in to watch. 

Who is my hero for today? Charina Vergara owner of Titas of Manila Filipino Kitchen delivered dinner for 5 and we were just so happy to see her with online orders, mask, gloves to protect her and deliveries, again at a distance. 

I just want to share that this chicharon product is the best my husband and I tasted. It is not greasy, it is not salty and it is quite fresh. 

I am so blessed because of this angel of mercy, Charina Vergara, who kindly favored us with our online orders from her Titas of Manila Filipino Kitchen. Just love the bravery of this good friend of mine as her good sanitary practices in delivering. Hooray Cha, and I included you in my daily mass intentions today.

I am also grateful to you Joe Bernardo and Elaine Dolalas for setting up the Facebook group – I feel connected to our wonderful community supporting these businesses and feeling empowered we are together.

Next week, another business to support. Let’s make this happen, folks. They can survive if we keep supporting them.

And I increased my tips to 30% – hey, these are unusual times to be more generous, kinder and supportive. 

Today, I braved being out and quickly walked to deliver the food I ordered to my daughter’s family. In turn, she handed me freshly baked sourdough loaf. I am happy that my #princess2015la liked the milk fish. 

I also sent a donation check to a warmhearted friend, Lee Mikuriya who is quiet about her generosity of providing sacks of rice to her family and added extra for the neighbors in the Philippines. 

It is in loving our family, our friends, our neighbors, our community that we can survive.