Folks, we are anxious to be back into the public squares of our lives after 39 days of social distancing: church gatherings, birthday celebrations, coffee with friends, Dodger baseball games, musical concerts, plays in theaters, interviews of subjects in the flesh, not digital; movies, walks in the parks, camping in national parks, travel to places, and dining out in restaurants served by waiters and waitresses and more.
Yet, the Corona Virus pandemic infectious cycle is alive, so alive that it is claiming deaths by the hundreds and thousands. Mayor Eric Garcetti reported a doubling of deaths every 6 days. I am staying home for love of my neighbors and family. I donot wish deaths of any of my loved ones.
It felt good to be heard by God. My High School classmates and I prayed for a senior nurse in London, a friend of one of our classmates. We felt like we won the lotto seeing her video of being serenaded with live piano music and salutes by her colleagues of doctors and nurses. It was inspiring!
Today’s gospel is about the third time Jesus has shown his resurrected self to the apostles, where Peter and the apostles caught 153 fish in the Sea of Galilee, in the fishing village of Capernaum, where Jesus taught in a synagogue in Magdala. This is where Jesus taught, performed miracles and appeared before His apostles, home to Jesus, with bittersweet memories, according to Fr. John Cordero.

He described home, where we build family relationships, a family, that broadens to families in the bigger Church, whose foundation is on faith and focusing on people. Perhaps he said the Lord is asking us to build good memories with our families at home, just like the foundational stones Jesus did in Galilee during this pandemic? We collectively prayed for selflessness, sacrifice, and putting the highest good of others to be imbued on all our public officials. Yesterday, it was the Emmaus walk, a 7 mile to Jerusalem. Three shared a meal, and unknown to them was Jesus. By the time they recognized Jesus, He was gone. How much do we see Jesus in our ordinary lives, asked Fr. Joachim.