When I got D/N/A, David/Nelson/Agreement in the mail, I was excited. Even more than excitement is joy reading @cathysegalgarcia freely write about her love for her fellow colleagues. It is so freeing and liberating to read Mon described by her as her idea of royalty, elegant and with a broad vision, of one who respects himself and others…read on as her two sparkling words stood out: royalty and delicious soul.
Or Josh Nelson’ s whose senses are all alive when he plays the piano. Cathy, your words dance in print. You too have an elegant graceful soul!

Two persons I know were referred to as having delicious souls: NVM Gonzalez- an internationally-acclaimed, multilingual translated novelist and a National Artist of the Philippines and Mon David – an internationally acclaimed musician, a beloved revered artist of Pampanga and a popular jazz musician of Manila, Japan, Los Angeles, Temecula, Bay Area and many more countries.
I invite you to have this cd and check out mondavid.net and joshnelsonmusic.com and cathysegalgarcia.com
Disclosure: I got no fees and voluntarily did this post and bought cds to support these delicious soulful artists. It was my hubby who brought up the idea of purchasing music CDs to support them.