Duc In Altum, latin for ‘Put Out Into The Deep’, the words Jesus said to His apostles after an unsuccessful night of fishing. Hesitant, but obedient, they endeavored to fish and rewarded with multitude of fish, nearly breaking the nets. It is a reminder to us of the fruitfulness of listening and obeying to the voice of the Master.” Source: Duc in Altum Book, Migdal, Israel.

In today’s homily, Fr. Joachim of Holy Family Artesia reflected on the disbelieving disciples, days after seeing the Risen Christ. Are we like them, he asked, “hard of hearts, afraid to get hurt again, pitying ourselves, as it is safer to hide, wallowing in misery? Lord rebuked the hard of hearts and those who did not believe in the Resurrection. Those with faith, no explanation is needed. Those with no faith – no explanation is sufficient. Breathe in instead the air of peace and joy.”

Context: 2, 300, 874 cases with 158,422 deaths in 185 countries. 40 days of social distancing.

US has 718, 185 cases and 37, 730 deaths. We donot have widespread testing due to limited availability of test kits and available only to those with symptoms. Spain has 191, 726 cases and 20, 043 deaths while Italy has 175, 925 cases and 23, 227 deaths. France has 149, 146 cases and 19, 345 deaths. 

South Korea has 10, 653 cases and 232 deaths due to sustained testing, contact tracing, quarantine and isolation of positive cases. 

Canada has 33, 628 cases and 1, 359 deaths. Japan experienced a surge in deaths, due to premature opening of their economic activities, overwhelming their health care system. Sweden has a new surge of cases, now at 13, 822 and 1, 511 deaths, as they did not have shelter in place orders. 

Source: Statistics from John Hopkins Dashboard, April 18, 2020. 

Photos of simple joys – hubby’s olive sourdough bread and adobo. I prepare the salads and do other chores of washing clothes and cleaning the house. 

Thus far, we are joking and today I said, “In my next life, when I meet you, I will say, do I know you?”

“I will socially distant myself,” he said and that’s ok.
