Eating her #lunch with her #grandparents

She asked both of us to join her. This is our story telling time with her. “C,mon Grandpa, sit and join us.”

“But, I was not invited, ” hubby likes to joke around.

“Grandpa, just sit and let’s eat together.

With gusto, she prepares her seaweed sandwiches. “I have special scrambled eggs here,” she added. As we finished, she turns around and says, “I love you,” and looks at me. She felt special seeing the cutting board.

Truthfully, I was inspired by @lutravelsabroad and that presentation at the table plus the focused attention we gave her elevated her sense of security and belonging in my house.

She takes the hand of her Lolo and says, “Time to do homework.” She’s excited to have tutoring lessons by her motivated teacher, based in Hawaii and she looks forward to learning from her. 

When her dad picked her up, she jumped to hug him and he caught her lovingly. She is learning to love because she is loved by so many.