You cannot just file a lawsuit just because you want to. You must have legal standing to begin with. They had zero legal standing and had no proof of fraud to justify asking for the court to get what they want.

They were grandstanding, as over 100 new GOP legislators, which includes these from California: Rep. Tom McClintock, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Rep. Ken Calvert, Rep. Doug LaMalfa. Remember them – they are uncritical loyalists to the party, rather th AZ n the common good of America.

This is the Republicans’ last-ditch attempt to undermine the presidential elections wherein over 154 million voted and gave Biden 81,283,009 votes, 51.4% over Trump’s 74,223,287 votes, 46.9%. Biden has 306 electoral votes while Trump has 232 votes.

Today, 70,131,911 cases worldwide with 1,592,486 deaths and 49,634,106 recovered. In the US, we have 15,834,965 cases and 294,874 deaths. Source: Johns Hopkins and Worldmeter.