This is my fourth day of celebrating my birthday.

First with family with very endearing and thoughtfully made chocolate cake and handmade birthday card from my 8yo #princess2015la. It is abbreviated as both my children are not into social media. That was family!

Second with two Holy priests and a former altar server, my hubby. Our discussions were soul-provoking but also perspectives broadening. What a beautiful gift of time, generosity, fullness of soulful spirits and a very beautiful book by Isabel Allende, The Wind knows my name from Fr. Rodel. That was Spirituality and Faith.

Third with heartwarming and endearing music from Odette Quesada who surprised me with her birthday greeting as if she knows my name already and great artist and songwriter of 100+ hits, and prolific author of artificial intelligence books and an expert on information technology and a faith-based philanthropist Dodjie Simon. That was Original Pilipino Music and Philanthropy.

Fourth is having brunch at @Yamashiro Los Angeles by their gardens, where we ate surrounded by Buddha, man made pool of water, surrounded by a pond with koi fishes, all elements of abundance from nature. Indeed, these friends of mine are profoundly abundant in generosity, in spirits, in attention and good intentions. I feel comfortable and emotionally safe to be myself with them to discuss philosophy, grace, miracles, health, future goals, community and more. That’s Friendship and Grace!

I believe the Holy Spirit is curating my birthday celebrations to reinforce the themes I value most: Family (Children +Partners +Grandchildren); Faith, Spirituality, Generosity and Soul Enrichment and Development; Music, Culture and Philanthropy; Friendship, Nature and Grace.

This lovely inabel scarf was given to me by Sharon Quinsaat who just vacationed in the Ilocos region.

“On the celebration of her 99th birthday, a special tribute is dedicated to master weaver and living treasure, Magdalena Gamayo.

The Pinili Weaving Center stands not just as a tribute, but as a promise – a promise to nurture, to honor, and to safeguard the Ilocano weaving tradition. It’s an ode to the past and a vision for the future, where threads of resilience, creativity, and love intersect.

It’s also a sanctuary for the art that Magdalena Gamayo has mastered over a lifetime. Within its walls, weavers gather not just to learn but to be transformed, to absorb the essence of their ancestors, and to carry forward the torch that Magdalena Gamayo has lit.

The Pinili Inabel Center was designed by the Provincial Government of Ilocos Norte, funded by the Office of the Representative for the 2nd District of Ilocos Norte, implemented by the DPWH Ilocos Norte 2nd Engineering District, and with the support of the Municipal Government of Pinili.”

#IlocosNorteImIN #IlocosNorte