What do you make of the golden glow around my in laws Enrique Sr and Felisa Buado Delacruz? I saw it, but hubby did not. You have to believe in God and the Holy Spirit to see this manifested, as others will certainly doubt.
My photographer hubby explains the light reflections, but there are none. After a few seconds, the golden glow disappeared. Also, only the silhouettes were illuminated, not the rest of the photo.
I told my hubby that his parents are pleased with me for loving him passionately after 44 years living together and 42 years married in few more days, Jan.4, 2021. Hubby said they are happy together as they even celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary and stayed together alive, for another decade.
Today, hubby and I will drive again in search of more Christmas lights, this time in Pasadena. Can you please recommend streets?