My husband @enriquedlz has been gardening diligently and the fruits and vegetables are reciprocating with growth and abundance.

Figs, Basil, Eggplant, Lettuce, Oranges, Bell Peppers, Avocados, Kale, Bok Choy, Mint, Pears are alive and well. Our pomegranate is also doing well. Cherimoya will soon be ready for harvesting. Tomatoes were sparse but so sweet. Olives were harvested but we did not quite succeed in processing them. Even the strawberries yielded sweetness, harvested by our #princess2015la.

And because @ana_burog gave us dragon fruit cuttings, we will soon have fruits. #Thankyouforourresidentgardener#hubbyhasthegreenthumb#thankyouLordfornaturalbeauty