The working conditions you find now are less harsher than before because of the labor unions who cared for their members, not just money dues.
The paved roads you travel in today are because we had caring, concerned and honest politicians, not the greedy, corrupt, corruptible and bribes-tempted politicians that some cities, states and the White House that we have now.
The relative ease of your life because of labor laws passed were due to the sacrifices of prior civil rights leaders and activists who supported freedoms for all, not just for those who terrorize with guns and violence and the mega rich who have resources to fly to an island just because they cannot stand being at home due to the Coronavirus. Think of the Amazon delivery guy, the FedEx guy, the grocery delivery workers, the nurses, the doctors, the bus drivers who are so essential they cannot even have a lunch break. Vote for the 98%.
Vote not thinking about preserving your dollars in your pocket as you did not come nor live in America just to make it your ATM, but to provide a better place to live in for your spouse, partner, children and grandchildren. Vote to invest in their future not for more dollars and pennies to hoard in your bank book. How measly your life would be to put simply a price tag of several zeroes in it when you are such a priceless child of God!