#princess2015la was so excited to get her Halloween presents from @leo.and.nico, three yo genius twins being raised by @nikkidoodledo and her hubby, Jake. Why genius, Nico can decipher numerical patterns so adeptly while Leo can read exit even then at 2yo. Amazing how they are immersed in art, nature, art projects, music, assembling challenging build projects and reading books, 50 a week, meticulously selected by their mom.

C quickly got into project mode and made 4 bracelets.

She even took my photo and then said, “Grandma, may I tell you something when I was 4 years old?” She relates a bullying incident by one of her playmates in graphic details. She describes the sassy attitude with factual details and how her playmate was disciplined by her dad. She concludes with an observation, “Grandma, she told me she wants to be me, when she can just be herself. How sad, right?”

Ay, she is truly my heart and soul’s delight!