Happy advanced birthday @barackobama – you are the very first President, whom I dare say with my heart’s certainty, that you told us the truth, acted with compassion and for the #commongood, with honesty, integrity and accountability.

When I shook your hand at then Senator Barbara Boxer’s fundraiser, I shouted with glee:”Mr. President, dream come true.” You gave me your broadest smile and shook my hands.

You are someone I deeply respect and I gave my all to campaign for, including walking door to door to knock on the homes of Las Vegas’ citizens. Weeks before the elections, I knew in my heart you would win as folks were proud that they were voting for you.

I volunteered to be a poll watcher and recalled a couple, Americans of Korean descent, with an infant on a stroller, running to meet the 8pm deadline. When they got to my table, I told them to breathe, and to take their time to vote. After voting, the young mother said, “We are so happy to vote for him, the very first Black President and our very first time to vote. We hope he wins.”

You captured over 120 million votes in two elections.

I have been voting for years but my votes were reluctant votes for the lesser evil. When I voted for you, #44th, I was voting for the very best presidential candidate to be the very best 44th US President. I got to hear your voice thanking your campaign volunteers, sensed the hoarseness, your weariness yet still you had the energy to thank us all.

Through the 8 years, I casually would email you via the website created by the White House. One day, I got your email explaining in depth your foreign policy process towards Syria. I was surprised.

I kept emailing you and recall that I challenged you to consider working doubly hard for diplomacy negotiations, to redouble earnest efforts for peace and even consider a trip to Hiroshima.

I am not sure if you were persuaded, but a year later after I went to Hiroshima, you became the first US President to make an official visit to Hiroshima in Japan.

For all the public good you, our 44th US Pres. has done, I like the most is how you show your genuine love for Michelle Obama, children, and your staff.

Photos by Randy Palisoc