Hills are my nemesis. The sight alone is enough to intimidate me. But, my trainer, Quoc Ngo dismantled that incorrect belief. First, he had me carry 12 kg. kettle bell in each arm and then, had me go up and down the flight of stairs. Then, he timed me as I climbed 282 steps. He showed me I could do it….and the rest is up to me and my determination to overcome this challenge or be consumed simply dreaming about it.
I decided to go for it one day. The second day, Ellie was with me. And when I met Elsa and Fred, I was determined to not quit and regularly climb it. The fears are gone, I can even look down the steps from the summit without shaking. It is amazing what good coaching, a little support and some enticing from my husband, Enrique can do for me. It gets me walking each time from hereon, except when I am sick like today – I can only post my inspiring feats.