I have been admiring An Pham’s photos of sunsets and national parks. I have been to most of the parks that she has posted, but my photos are quite underwhelming. Her stunning photo is what I consider God’s grace. An area that I need improvement. Today is my 27th day of social distancing. I attended mass, livestreamed at Holy Family Artesia and the brilliant homilist, Fr. John Cordero spoke of a metaphor, that of a litmus test. As you know, pH, a measure of acidity, the litmus paper up to pH4.5 turns red. (In acid, much corrodes but also digestion is facilitated by gastric acids.) If alkaline, the paper turns blue. 

So, what is your first reaction to #CoronaVirus #Pandemic

Is it to throw stones at Jesus? Did it remind you of the hostility towards Jesus? Consider Dr. Fauci, we hear death threats against him, because others do not like what they hear. (Yet he is a credible scientist who tells the truth.)

In the face of trials, difficulties, facing The Cross, we encounter our own litmus paper test. How will you come out – from the tomb that we are in?” 

Brilliant homily!

Image may contain: food

My family is my refuge these days. hubby experimented with making yeast bread, and two days in a row – my treat was freshly baked bread slathered with butter. Oh my, what a luxury these days!

My favorite daughter thoughtfully bought us bento of karaage, whose box conveyed the message – here is your gift of love and care! Thank you my dear @coriput. You are one of my #earthangel.

I started another Koreanovela, My First Love. I am noticing common patterns in them: sweet gestures of love, cooking and eating ramen, kimchee stew, rice, nature and high literacy in using books, poems, passages from authors and love letters. It would be difficult to transition to Filipino teleseryes of grievances, vengeance, violence, senseless infliction of trauma, and wallowing in victimhood and self-pity. #toomuchviolencetohumanspirit