The effervescent, warm and welcoming Loida remembered my husband and I. What I liked about her was when she saw a long line of folks, she asked Belle who bought 50 copies and brought 25 to be signed, Loida requested that for every 5 books she signed, she wanted one person from the long line to come up.

Lora Nicolas Olaes read from the liquidity crisis chapter of Loida’s book and one more that escapes me. She then answered the questions.

One pertained to how she raised her biracial children. She said she does not look at them as biracial, instead she teaches them values of do your work, show respect to everyone, and determination.

The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, a New York-based national organization founded in 1974, protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans. By combining litigation, advocacy, education, and organizing, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) works with Asian American communities across the country to secure human rights for all. What compelled you to be one of the co-founders? ———— NaFFAA National Federation of Filipino Americans Associations promotes the well-being of the four million Filipinos and Filipino Americans throughout the United States. NaFFAA envisions a unified Filipino American community that is culturally, economically, and politically empowered and engaged. Its vision is to serve as the voice of all Filipinos and Filipino Americans by uniting, engaging, and empowering diverse individuals and community organizations through leadership development, civic engagement, and national advocacy. Caring for others is a running thread in your well stitched life anchored in moral alignment. What compelled you to be socially conscious to co-found NAFFA?)

She had an acronym: goal setting, obedience to a code of ethics and determination no matter what, the first letters constitute GOD.

The last question came from me, read page 131, followed by how do you keep an expansive heart?

Loida’s answer was her friend told her to read St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians describing Love is kind, Love is patient, Love does not keep a record of wrongs. She said that she changed love into Loida, repeating it to herself: Loida is kind, Loida is patient, Loida does not keep a record of wrongs. She told her husband he could do no wrong.

It was short, sweet, efficient. The library at CSUN preordered 25 copies and they were all sold out plus 50 folks who attended also brought their own copies to be signed.

I love Filipinos – when they like your character and personality as an author, they buy more than a dozen to give as gifts to others. In Loida, they talked lovingly about her and one person bought 50 copies. I bought 3 copies, 2 copies to give to my spiritual mentors: Fr Rodel and Fr John.

It was a nice reception of cheese board, roasted vegetables, fresh fruits, bibingka bites with egg and brownies and cookies.

Thanks Loida Nicolas LewisLora Nicolas OlaesTrig Nuyda