I am crying. Each time I encountered Rainbow sightings without rains, it is when someone dies or laid to rest.

Many believe, including myself, that God is welcoming that person into heaven. I heard that when a teenager died from cancer and struggled with her pain to finish high school as she wanted her diploma for her parents as her gift to them.

Another rainbow was seen, on a sunny day when a chef, who had opened six restaurants in his lifetime died. He was in critical care, unconscious for months and after dear Fr. Camilo Pacanza took two hours to hear his story and prayed for his journey, days after he eventually went Home to the creator. His restaurant hosted former Broadway singers and would magically and spontaneously sing after eating his Italian cooked dinners.

And now two rainbows appeared at 8pm, as shared by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as they believed John Lewis said goodbye to them, a man she described as someone they had known worked alongside the angels and is now with the angels.

Rep. John Lewis was “a member of the Democratic Party, Lewis was first elected to Congress in 1986 and served for 17 terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.”

I wrote about his beautiful soul, a caring public servant in Congress for my column Rhizomes, hopefully will be printed this Saturday in Asian Journal. I was touched by his graciousness and kindness.

Prosy Delacruz, July 30, 2020


“Just now — at the last sunset of the last day that Congressman John Lewis will lie in state here — an honest to God rainbow shines over the Capitol.” #GoodTroublehttps://t.co/oS3Pw93Toi