She is so kind to herself that she manifests the same to others: Lessons in radical empathy and professionalism
#princess2015la is practicing numbers with her #grandpa, counting out loud. She missed some. So she said, “Grandpa, I knew it all yesterday.” Grandpa says, “Really? How come you missed?” So, she does it again, but does it now enthusiastically. Then, she says, “Grandpa, you don’t know how good I am.”

She heard me cancel with an appliance mechanic who did not call at all when the appointment time was 10 to 1pm. He said he was 3 minutes away and called at 4pm. I told him I went with another firm. #princess2015la said, “Oh Grandma, no. He will not be able to feed his family.”
Earlier, my hubby talked to the other repairman who called within minutes to ask about the issue. Hubby explained his diagnosis. The repairman made an appointment for the next day. I had to explain to my granddaughter what it means to keep your word. Keeping your word builds trust in you. I told her stories of how family members would say they will show up and they do show up. So, I trust them.
She told me a story of how her mom couldn’t pick her up on time. “It turns out she hurt her back, Grandma. It is about trusting other people, Grandma, so we could be understanding to them if they don’t show up on time.” She says it slowly, tenderly, and with such loving tone.

Who says I cannot learn from my 7yo granddaughter?
When I asked if I need to buy her any clothes, “No, Grandma, I have enough.”
Thank you to her parents for teaching her good values, for exposing her to people, good memories of nature’s experiences, and thank you God for this beautiful human being.
She whispered later thanking me for her delicious snacks: ham and cheese croissant, gouda cheese, milk with nata de coco, and #backyardnaveloranges.

The following day, it was bibingka, blueberries, pecans and drank fresh squeezed #backyardnaveloranges’ juice. “Grandma, this tastes like mochi. I like mochi,” to which I said, “You are right. That is butter mochi made of rice flour, butter, eggs, coconut milk and sugar on banana leaves.”