One blistering afternoon in California, I asked my classmate from Chicago, who was visiting why she was so generous in attention and time with her grandchildren who came with us, adventurous grandmothers. I will never forget her answer: “I don’t have material wealth to leave them. I only have memories to bequeath and make new with them, each day.”
Since then, I never turned down an opportunity to bond with family and friends, for I want to be like my dad was, one who embodied Christmas in his lifetime.
When dear friends in New York and Paris showed me their generosity of spirits, including making the subway ride through many stops, even staying with me and my hubby till midnight at Times Square in New York, I am certain of the overall goodness of folks anywhere I go. I believe my heart can magnetize their goodness and with my Mama Mary with me, I can make more new friends.

Yesterday, a dear bff treated me to a gastronomic feast and generously shared her time, unrushed and indulged me with the best prayers that inspired her and me “to live in, to remain in” God. Her generosity inspired me to order dinner for my eldest, a working wife and mom who loves camping. Then, a priest/friend calls me to ask for prayers and reminded me “Prosy, don’t change. You have a good heart.” Will you not revel in the clouds of joy when you reflect on all these goodness around you?

In my travels, these experiences have become the miraculous moments that have now risen to a cluster, a mass so to speak of invisible and visible love, into a joyful movement and moments of hearts at peace. Thank you dear family and friends for making life so livable!