Grandma, can you make more?

“That’s nilaga,” I said.

She finished her bowl and asked for more rice. She had a green mochi ice cream for dessert. Her face lit up after as she savored the ice cream after eating the mochi. She says, “Grandma, I like mochi,” to which I said, “Me too, Sweetheart.”

She then sat in the library to read her books. After 15 minutes, she stopped. I asked why?

She came up with an excuse, but I did not buy it.

I said, “One hour of reading gives you an hour to do what you want.” She knew I said it in a not so gentle tone. It means Grandma will not budge.

So she sought an alternative to the “wall,” she needed a bridge.

She went upstairs and asked for her grandpa to come down. He said, “She only has 6 more books to read, as she read 2 books already on the way here from the library.

Still, they both started reading and just like that, she did more than an hour of reading all her library books. She was quite happy after to gain her freedom hour. We both respected her library space.

By 530pm, her mom picked her up. I shared that she read for an hour and ate all her veggies. Mom thanked me.

It was mostly happy, productive, and a brief not so happy moment to redirect her to be responsible. She is truly a joy to be with.

