I could not believe the natural sparkle of lights from the rising sun that I saw, nor the comfortable reported 40F temperature and light snow in DC for the 59th Presidential inauguration of the 46th US President Joe Biden and US Vice President Kamala Harris. I am in tears!

Obsequiously supplicant = excessively servile, respectful request to a powerful person are adjectives used by Rachel Maddow in describing the one hour President’s role of US VP Mike Pence. Crowds clapped for him.
Crowds also clapped for the regal 44th couple, 44th US President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama.
Since 1789, America transfers power every 4 years, whether at war, peace or with the pandemic. “People are the source of the government. To form a more perfect union.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in an interview with MSNBC’S Joy Reid described that the Capitol was invaded by the British in 1812. On Jan.6, Trump directed a mob, incited them to an insurrection, the mob acted to attack the Capitol and resulted in 6 dead and scores injured. He was impeached a week later while congressfolks wrote the one article of impeachment, while in hiding inside the Capitol.
Give more of itself means American patriotism, towards the public good is the opening prayer. God is the Holy mystery of love, restore our dreams, the pastor said.
46th US President Joseph Biden, Jr. declared today is democracy’s day. The cause of democracy has prevailed. The will of the people has been heard. The success of our story depends not on some of us, not a few of us, but all of us. We have much to do in this winter of peril. The virus has taken more people than WW II. A cry for racial justice delayed for 400 years must be done now. Climate change renewal has to be now. “My whole soul is in this renewal,” he said. With unity, we can do great things. Enough of us carried us forward, President Biden continued.
Context: There are 400,000 graves in Arlington National Cemetery, today, we lost 403, 482 citizens in America to Coronavirus.
Global Deaths 2,066,192
U.S. Confirmed. 24,313,076 cases
U.S. Deaths. 403,482
Photos by MSNBC, @nytmills and front window showing sparkles of natural light by moi.